Week 15

Current Issues

 In this topic, I have been exposed to the reality that teachers encountered in the school arena. The teaching profession is not only limited to delivering the educational contents to the student in the classroom only but it is beyond than that. Teachers are expected to solve too many problems that happened among school students such as school bullying, truancy, substance use, academic problems, dropout, delinquency and just to list a few. Even though there is a decline in the number of social problems on the data by the Ministry of Education in 2020. But it is something that should be proud of. It is because it shows that the problems remain exists in the school, and it should not be taken lightly. Although, it is understood that teachers are the backbone of our society who are responsible to give young people the power of education, set them up to be a success as Malaysian citizens, and encourage a desire in them to do well and succeed in life, but it is unfair if the responsibility to tackle the social problems are given collectively to school teachers only. The society needs to understand those social problems is not an issue which can be tackled in one day, it needs cooperation from various parties like parents, teachers, peers and the students themselves.  So, it is a time for society to work together to create a positive environment for the well-being of its member to prevent social ills from continuing to happen.


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